Type of Entertainment: Specialty   Rating: Everyone



Media Release

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For Immediate Release

ARGH!!!!  Pirates of all ages unite!

We’re cruises the river looking for ships to raid and capture, visiting the forbidden island, digging for buried treasures, shooting canon balls & beads, and have fun being the pirates we all are!!!.

For all of the reality in life, Tim Woodson (aka Captain Tim) created the Gypsy Rose I for everyone who ever fantasized about sailing on a pirate ship. Tim Woodson, who is a U.S. Coast Guard Master Capt., obtained his captain’s license in Grafton Illinois and combined his creative talents to build the cruising Gypsy Rose I pirate ships, which are docked at the Grafton Harbor. The Gypsy Rose II is docked at the Lake of the Ozarks Harbor, and the Gypsy Rose III is a land ship that can go anywhere at anytime. Capt. Tim motto is, ‘It’s good to be a kid again’ and describes the Gypsy Rose as a Spanish galleon or a man-of-war ship, as opposed to a merchant ship. Fake cannons line the ship sides.

The two guys who helped me build this are in their 80s, and they loved working on this and being a part of this," said Woodson, who has been a commercial artist and a boater for 30 years and is an island-style solo singer. "I’ve always loved pirates and buried treasures. I always thought it would be great to go to the Caribbean and look for sunken treasure. I’ve seen ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ 50 times, looked at designs of ships, and looked at Blackbeard and other pirates. I did a lot of research."

Capt. Tim built the Gypsy Rose I from an existing vessel, a twin-engine 1977 Carver. He worked on it three months last spring and finished the ship last winter with the help of two friends and his girlfriend, Martha, who is known on the Gypsy Rose as "Wench Martha" to Woodson’s "Captain Tim."

Capt. Tim had the Gypsy Rose I almost complete when he had the chance to inspect the Nina and Pinta replicas in Grafton Illinois. "I went there, and they were so awesome. After looking at the front of the boats, I went back and tore off the front and started over on mine," Capt. Tim explained.

Capt. Tim’s inspiration to become a pilot grew out of his love of Grafton Illinois and the Mississippi River.  He obtained his license after training with Capt. Larry Walker, with World Wide Marine Training. Walker trains numerous ferryboat captains and is in Grafton a few times a year.

"This was my crossroads," said Capt. Tim, who turned 51 years old. "I’m a musician, an artist, and got my captain’s license and funneled my talents into one project, and this is it — pirates of the Mississippi and the Illinois."

Whether you to come to one of our general cruises, a private party cruises, or you need us to come to your event, we can do it. In general, the Gypsy Rose is available for private parties, special appearances, and over-all good times (any where, at any time).

Argh…Captain Tim states that "It’s like a Kodak moment everywhere on the ship. It’s very authentic. People just want to come on board with their families and friends and get their pictures taken with the captain of the Gypsy Rose." 


Program Information:








For more information, to arrange interviews, or for photo opportunities, please contact:

Elsenpeter Productions
Richard B. Elsenpeter, owner
109 West 7th St., New London, MO 63459
Phone: (217) 335-3338
Email: rbelsenpeter@yahoo.com

Web Site: ElsenpeterProductions.com

Please feel free to use any material posted on our Web Site.

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