Type of Entertainment: Folk, History, Story Telling   Rating: Everyone



Media Release

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For Immediate Release

Marilyn Kinsella, Taleypo the Storyteller, of Fairview Heights, IL, has been telling stories since 1981. She tells stories"...from nursery schools to nursing homes." Her folktales come from many cultures, but her favorite stories are those she wrote about growing up in her small, Midwestern town.

Her stories are full of energy and participation for the young and a delicate blend of action and word imaging for the young-at-heart. As a full-time, free-lance teller she travels to where stories want to be told. Besides telling, she often leads workshops, mentors new storytellers, and performs puppet plays. She has told stories to hundreds of schools in the Midwest and has been featured at many festivals including The St Louis Storytelling Festival, The Fox Valley Festival, and The Illinois Storytelling Festival.

Program Information:








For more information, to arrange interviews, or for photo opportunities, please contact:

Elsenpeter Productions
Richard B. Elsenpeter, owner
109 West 7th St., New London, MO 63459
Phone: (217) 335-3338
Email: rbelsenpeter@yahoo.com

Web Site: ElsenpeterProductions.com

Please feel free to use any material posted on our Web Site.